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Why bother with feeding bones to my dog? Dogs have been eating raw meaty bones for millions of years. They are beneficial to keeping teeth clean and help maintain a healthy mouth which includes the gums, teeth and microbiome. This means your dog is less likely to have to go under anesthesia to get their teeth cleaned. We know brushing our teeth and having good mouth hygiene is important and research shows it can even help prevent disease.

Dogs love to chew on raw meaty bones, it’s a treat, but the raw meaty bone is almost a complete and balanced diet. Dr. Ian Billinghurst who is considered the father of the raw diet explains this is in his book Give Your Dog A Bone. The balance of calcium/phosphorus is perfect which means the dog can grab what it needs, and can excrete the rest. This perfect calcium/phosphorus balance cannot be duplicated in kibble. The bone marrow of the bone supplies all the blood forming elements, which is truly powerful. It is full of good quality fats and fat soluble vitamins. Along with this the meat has essential amino acids and bones also store minerals. The fatty acids are present, the dog gets the cartilage needed, and the raw meaty bone is in a bio appropriate form. Who would know a raw meaty bone would be so nutritious.

How do I get my dog to eat a raw meaty bone? Dogs can start on eating grinds/chubs, and graduate to chewing a duck neck, chicken neck, turkey neck, duck wing and such. A puppy can start eating grind/chubs at three weeks old. The many proteins grinds/chubs we offer have a minimum of 10 percent raw meaty bone grind. This is a good place to start and then after a couple months you can introduce a raw meaty bone.  Of course we are always available to answer questions.

What do I need to know before giving my dog a bone? Never ever give your dog a cooked bone. Cooked bones can cause many issues, as the bone can splinter. Choose a raw meaty bone appropriate for your dog, and always watch your dog when your dog is chewing. Yes, there are some risk to feeding a bone; if fed correctly the risk is less than the benefits.

What are the benefits of a raw meaty bone? Raw meaty bones have nutritional benefits along with emotional and physical benefits. It is stimulating to the dog to have to work for food. The dog is using many muscles as it chews and grinds on the bone. The bones stimulate the brain and it is actually an activity which is biologically appropriate.

Do raw meaty bones cause constipation? Did you know that a raw meaty bone helps maintain a healthy stool and a healthy colon? Bones firm up the poo and help with anal gland excretion. If a dog eats too many bones they might become constipated, no worries a hard white poo just means the dog needs a little more muscle meat and maybe some organ meat.

Dogs are meant to eat bones, its biologically appropriate.